Wednesday, July 14, 2004

It's definitely gonna be a long, but exciting day! I'll be going for the tennis trials! I do hope that I'll be able to get into the school team. But nonetheless, if I don't, it won't matter. I'll still join the leisure squad. =D Cheers mates! To all in tertiary! Then afterwards in the evening, I'd be attending the Church Without Walls conference! Woo! What a packed day! Oh, yesterday's Audiosports lesson was cancelled 'cause Andrew had something going on in Zouk and couldn't make it for lesson. So lesson has been postphoned till Thursday. And today's Phuture, Zouk, outing is cancelled. I guess I'd be too tired by the time i finish the seminar. So I'mma push it to next week Wednesday. Anyone wanna join me? =P hehe... If only my baby was 18 now. But nevertheless, anyone? =D You can go there for the babes, but I'm just going for the music. Andrew's spinning. I think. Everything's not confirmed yet. =( Think he's kinda disappointed that I couldn't make it today. =``< Anyways, I can't wait for the trials! Time for some tennis action! Rock on guys! Shoutouts to: Tiara(my baby), Josh, Dominic, Peng, and everyone reading. *Cheers*